Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Taking a break

WOW!! I always seem to forget how much energy it takes to clean house. I have been cleaning since I dropped Logan off at school this morning and now I am taking a break. My Dad is coming to visit this weekend so I have to make sure everything is cleaned up. I have been cleaning out clothes and stuff and it has piled up, now it is time to get it out of the house.

We are so excited that my Dad is coming to visit. He hasn't seen Faith since Thanksgiving and man she has changed. She for sure has her very own wonderful personality. He is going to be shocked at how much she has changed and how mobile she is. She is all over the place. Maybe that is why it seems like more work than usual to get the house cleaned up. She has journeyed into parts of the living room that she normally doesn't visit and has knocked quite a few things over :).

Well guess I better go eat something and get back to work while Faith is napping :).

1 comment:

Jana said...

Hey Girl,
I can definatley relate to the cleaning house thing. It definately takes the majoruty of my energy. Sounds like you need to rearrange some things if Faith is knocking stuff over. Just wait till she's walking, climbing, etc.
YIKES... I also said a prayer for your family situation.
Enjoyed the pictures too.